International conferences and meetings
The dimensions of inhomogeneous self-affine sets (poster presentation) Fractals and Stochastics VI, KIT, Germany, October 2018.
A brief note on the dimension of inhomogeneous attractors
Dynamics Days Europe, University of Loughborough, September 2018.
Inhomogeneous attractors and upper box dimension
Fractals and Dimensions, Institut Mittag-Leffler, Sweden, December 2017.
Introduction to trace contrast methods
Estimating Animal Density with Acoustics, University of Cape Town, South Africa, January 2017.
Trace contrast methods in acoustic space
African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, South Africa, January 2017.
National conferences and meetings
A universal upper bound on the dimension of inhomogeneous attractors
British Mathematical Colloquium, University of St Andrews, June 2018.
How big are inhomogeneous attractors?
Edinburgh Mathematical Society PG Student Meeting, The Burn, Glen Esk, May 2018.
Internal seminars
On the dimension and measure of inhomogeneous attractors
Pure Analysis Seminar, University of St Andrews, April 2018.
An introduction to inhomogeneous attractors
Pure Postgraduate Seminar, University of St Andrews, April 2018.
An introduction to iterated function systems
Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Mathematics Symposium, The Burn, Glen Esk, Februrary 2018.
Dimension of inhomogeneous self-conformal and self-affine sets
School of Mathematics and Statistics Research Day, University of St Andrews, January 2018.
Sequential Monte Carlo in population dynamics
Master’s Defense, St Andrews, April 2016.
Outreach and general audience
The journey to a PhD in Mathematics
UWS Summer STEM Academy, Glasgow, July 2018.
Fractal geometry in nature and art
Carnegie Gathering, The Royal Society of Edinburgh, February 2018.